Cyber Harassment Report 2017 by DRF Pakistan for Women Harassment. Digital Rights Foundation’s (DRF) Cyber Harassment Helpline was launched after the successful completion of the ,Hamara Internet (translates as “Our Internet”) project; and its findings in the “Measuring Pakistani Women’s Experience of Online Violence”. It was found that there is a serious gap when it comes to addressing online harassment in individual cases and many women were not comfortable taking their complaints to the law enforcement agencies (LEAs).
Cyber Harassment Report 2017 by DRF Pakistan for Women Harassment
Graphically describe Why women Don’t report Harassment
Total Number of Cases
The primary channel for communication for the Helpline is its toll-free number; however the Support Staff also handles complaints over email and Facebook inbox. The Helpline has received 763 complaints in the form of 569 calls, 100 emails and 94 Facebook messages from December 1, 2016 to May 31, 2017.
Monthly Break Down of Calls:
DRF is a non-governmental organization, there are certain limitations in DRF investigative powers. When a caller wants to pursue a legal case or investigate into the identity of their harasser, the Helpline Staff informs them about the National Response Centre for Cyber Crime (NR3C) of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA). Nevertheless, the final decision is with the caller whether they want to follow through on the referral. In cases of emergency, situations that require immediate action from Law Enforcement Authorities (LEAs) or when specialised services are needed, DRF Staff refers the case to other relevant government authorities or NGOs for assistance
Geographical Distribution:
The caller data of the Cyber Harassment Helpline was also segregated by geographical location and collected from callers who felt comfortable with providing it. A majority of the cases received by the Helpline were from Punjab (44%), the most populous province. However the fact that a significant portion of our cases were from the federal capital (8.7%) as compared to only 1.6% from the entire province of Balochistan shows a gap in our outreach strategies, an aspect we plan to address in the next quarter of operations.
Cyber Harassment Report 2017 by DRF Pakistan | Read Online
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Note: All the Text and Graphics Material is the property of DRF organizationΒ Β We Just Shared few selected content If there is any Mistake or error then it will be considered Human error. This is Very thoughtful report for Our Society That Must be Work together to Control These type of crimes.