Ufone VTM Machine Location and Usage Procedure A new way of ATM…Ufone brings industry first “VTM” redefining customer experience
Ufone VTM
Ufone brings industry first “VTM” redefining customer experience. VTM (Virtual Teller Machine) is an interactive machine which allows customers to perform all activities conveniently and securely that can be performed through Ufone Sale and Service Center.
Features & Benefit:
VTM provides the following exciting features to its valuable customers:
- New SIM (Prepaid only)
- SIM Change
- Bill Payment and Recharge
- Load Super Card
- PTCL Bill Payment
- Bio-metric Reverification
- Video based customer support
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Where can You find Ufone VTM?
Ufone VTMs are located on Ufone Sale and Service Centers. Currently, there are 10 VTMs operating at Ufone Sale and Service Centers. Check the location of Your City at Ufone Website
Ufone VTM Machine Location and Usage Procedure A new way of ATM:
CHARGES: Ufone VTM is a free service to its valuable customers. Customers will be charged for performing activities such as SIM purchase, bill payment, balance recharge etc. VTM machine takes payments in the form of cash from customers to perform activities.
VTM accepts payments in cash only as of now. Debit/credit card payments facility will be available soon.
No queues, no wait and Ultimate #befikri. Visit the Ufone VTM for instant solutions to all your telcom needs.
More Details at: Ufone Website
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