Pakistan Army UQAB Drone. Pakistan army started monitoring China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) through the latest technology along with the CPEC gas pipeline project, army or nuclear installations, dams, bridges, and eastern and western borders. The new drone Uqab has prepared by a locally manufactured in Pakistan by Global Industrial & Defence Solutions (GIDS). It has a maximum capacity of flying is 15 hours and can carry 1000kg missile to hit the enemy target.
It can be remotely controlled and flown in a 250km range. Through satellite connectivity, the army can watch the whole border area while sitting in any area of the country. It has been other many latest features and low-cost production compared to other drones in the market.
Pakistan Army UQAB Drone

Picture Credits: The News
The Uqab can be used for scientific or climate analysis besides army operations.ย According to Global Industrial & Defence Solutions, it has been globally presented for sale including European countries, some international purchaser has been interested to buy the Pakistani manufactured drone.
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Uqab has been manufactured at low cost with the same features compared to other manufacturers that why the company hopeful to attracts international buyers. According to media reports that more than fifteen international applicants have been interested to purchase this drone.

Picture Credits: ProPakistani
Nowadays drones have been using in different industries to work smartly and remotely. Drones have been reduced difficulties and of human work and it increases the work output.
Via The News | ProPakistani