Baloch Youth helping Celebrities Accounts | Haris Baloch Rifiako Media
“It was beyond my imagination that I would ever be able to contact a showbiz star because, in the district of Balochistan where I live, we can only see them on TV.”
Baloch Youth helping Celebrities Accounts
This was said by Haris Baloch, an 18-year-old from Kharan District, Balochistan, who is helping celebrities and other celebrities solve digital and social media problems. His organization ‘Rifiako Media’ founded with Mehran Khan, provides support to stars and celebrities on social media in brand management, social media marketing, and promotion, etc. and according to his website, he has so far met actress Mahwish Hayat and Sara Khan, musician Falak Shabbir, and has helped many YouTubers on social media, including Anita Jalil and boxer Wasim.
Talking to Independent Urdu, he said: ‘It was last year that a YouTuber contacted me and asked me to solve my problem. After doing his job, he contacted the brother of well-known actress Mahesh Hayat that who is also facing some problems.
“Not only did I help Mahwish Hayat’s brother, but he later asked me to verify Mahwish’s TikTok.”
Harris Baloch’s story is also different in that he hails from a remote area of a backward province, where people can’t imagine that he would be able to do something like that. But now Baloch Youth helping Celebrities to protect their Accounts.
Haris Baloch Rifiako Media

Harris received his early education in Kharan and received a scholarship from the company Sendak Metals, which allowed him to study at Army Burn Hall College, Abbottabad.
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He says that when he was studying, he used to enjoy watching showbiz actors on television, but he never thought that he would ever be able to contact them.
He said that he did not take training from any institute to master the work on social media but he has learned all this from the experts who train through videos on Google and YouTube.
“People who become popular on social media, whether they are showbiz stars, actresses or singers, face a variety of problems,” he said. These often include account hacking and lack of verification. If that happened then the number of followers of Showbiz stars would start decreasing.
He says that in the current era, it is essential for any showbiz star to connect with social media platforms and everyone has a battle over who has the most followers. “In such a case, if someone’s account is hacked, it becomes a matter of life and death for him.”
He said that if the account is hacked, it becomes impossible to return without an expert and some people sitting outside Pakistan do the hacking.
While showbiz stars need fame on social media, they are also bothered by fake pages. Harris is also helpful to such people and they give them account verification.
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Harris said verification is not possible without a social media expert.
When there were no people like Harris, Pakistani showbiz stars, singers and YouTubers used to contact people in India about their problems, from which not only did they face the long-awaited mental anguish, but they also faced three to four thousand dollars also had to be paid.
Harris said: ‘Once it happened that a famous singer told me that his page was hacked and he contacted one of the experts in India. At first, the expert called for money on time and later the work became longer and despite repeated contacts, the star was very annoyed and after a long time, his problem was solved.
Describing an important event in his life, Harris said he still regrets what he lost.
Reaching a large number of followers of a page on social media is a difficult task. Harris said that once during the year 2017-18, he had created a page that had 1.5 million followers.
“I don’t know how this page was deleted and even after trying a lot I couldn’t get it back, for which I contacted the Facebook administration but they also replied that they have deleted the page.” ‘
According to Harris: “It’s a crazy job and it took me a long time, I had to work day and night and then I was able to solve my problems and I started solving other people’s problems.”
While people charge thousands of dollars for social media promotion and verification, they don’t charge Harris Showbiz stars or other celebrities like them.
Harris said that because he wanted to do something for his country, he decided not to take compensation.
When asked how he covers his expenses, he said that at present he has some pages which have millions of likes, which generates revenue.
He says that when he was working on social media, he did not have money and had to promote the page. Then the out-of-pocket money given by the father was spent on promotion.
Right now, through his organization, he is helping the stars solve social media problems, but at the same time, he is also preparing for the medical college entry test so that he can solve social media problems in the future as well as people’s health problems ۔
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Note: This Article Originally published earlier in Independent Urdu.
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