Every year each brand try to dominate each other position and market and adopt every tactics of growing and keep their market position strong to strong. Many surveys firms and experts release their market analysis report to show the actual wort and position of each brand in the world. Interbrand has been releasing the list for the past 18 years now. You can view the entire list of 100 companies by following this link. Recently it Releases its annual report of Best Global Brand of the 2017. Inter brand Report is not surprising because every one knows and expected similar news about it so this also tech giants dominate world market. Top Ten Brands 2017 in the World list below..
Here is Top Ten Brands 2017 of the World :
Apple Secured its First Position of Global Brand Top Ten Brands 2017 in the World and five out of ten companies related to Technology giants and highest market share with compare to others firm.
If we Talk about the top five brands of Asia pacific Region then Samsung secured first position and Remaining four brands relate to Automotive Industry.If we compare it to the world that we will easily understand that technology giants is more popular in the world except Asia pacific Region and Automotive industry is popular in Asia Pacific Region.
Source: Screen Shot of Images and Report by Interbrand
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