Ramzan Transmission Rating BOL If you are watching Ramazan Transmission on different TV channels then you must realize that BOL Transmission is quit different from others.
Ramzan Transmissions 2017 on every network are in full spring! But leading the ratings seem to be Aamir Liaquat with “Game Show Aisay Chalay Ga” & Ramadan Mein Bol” on Bol TV.
According To Aamir Liaqat Tweet and BOL TV It breaks the all records of Sehar and Iftaat timing against all Media Channels GEO, ARY, SAMAA etc…
Ramzan Transmission Rating BOL
News Channel Rating against BOL News.
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Ramzan Transmission Rating BOL | BOL News Rating against HUM tv and ARY Digital
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Sehar Transmission Rating against Samaa News and Geo News.
#GameShowAisayChaleyGa pic.twitter.com/BJFgABS5fI
— Aamir Liaquat Husain (@AamirLiaquat) June 2, 2017