Netsol Technology University another big step forward in the educational sector in Pakistan.
As the world revolutionizes IT, new courses and programs are being launched in universities. But it may seem that Netsol is not satisfied with the IT graduates in Pakistan, so now Netsol has decided to enter the field of education on its own.
Netsol has announced the establishment of a state-of-the-art IT university in Pakistan to cater to the needs of modern times.
Netsol Technology University
Chairman of Netsol, Saleem Ghauri shared a post on LinkedIn. Also announced that his company intends to build a university which he named Netsol University.
The university is thought to be built in Lahore. Saleem Ghauri also advertised for the position of Vice Chancellor for the University.
The new Vice-Chancellor will be tasked with selecting teachers for the university, designing all new courses, degree programs, and all programs starting at the university, and overseeing the university’s teaching and operations.
This is a positive step in the education sector of Pakistan. Where there will be direct collaboration between an educational institution and the business industry.
Netsol University Courses
Courses will be introduced to meet the needs of the market.
There are very few institutions in Pakistan that produce such graduates that not only meet the needs of domestic businesses but are also in demand in global markets.
According to a survey, 25,000 students graduate from different universities in Pakistan every year. However, only 5,000 graduates meet the needs and standards of the industry, leading to rising unemployment in the country every year.
Last year, the federal government announced the creation of a state-of-the-art educational institution under the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications (MOIT), but no significant progress has been made since then.
All over the world, Pakistan is significantly growing its IT sector services. The needs of the IT sector have exceeded 15,000 annually.
With the establishment of this institution, it is believed that significant changes will take place in the field of education in Pakistan.
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