LG New Air Purifier Mask added Mic and Speakers 2021 Features & Price
South Korean company LG has added a mic and air pace to the air purifying mask introduced last year, which will be introduced in August next year.
According to The Verge, the company did not announce the price of the mask or its worldwide availability but said that Pure Care would be launched in other markets next month after approval by local regulators in Thailand.
Demand for this specialty has grown significantly as a result of the global Coronavirus epidemic and widespread pollution.
LG New Air Purifier Mask added Mic and Speakers
Last year, LG introduced the Air Purifying Mask, which is equipped with air filters and fins that remove 99.97% of the particles in the air.
LG says the new version of the mask is fitted with a small, light motor, as well as microphones and speakers that will amplify the voice of the wearer.
According to the company, voice-on technology has been used for this purpose, which automatically recognizes and amplifies the voice of the wearer through a speaker installed in the mask.
Considering that LG is not the first company to use voice-amplification technology in face masks, Razor’s Project Hazel Mask also uses some of the same technology, including LED lighting, and this mask. A limited number will be offered later this year.
LG’s new Pure Care Mask weighs 94 grams, has a 1,000 mAh battery that charges via USB in 2 hours.
The company claims that this mask is very comfortable and can be worn continuously for up to 8 hours.
However, the company did not specify how effective the device will be against the Coronavirus compared to other common face masks.
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